About Evangelistic Outreach
Evangelistic Outreach team has traveled several million miles
to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. These men have traveled all
across America and into several other countries preaching in
revivals, camp meetings, crusades and evangelistic meetings.
Evangelistic Outreach preaches regularly in small country churches and also to crowds numbering in the thousands. The Evangelistic Outreach team has conducted over a thousand evangelistic campaigns that have resulted in thousands of precious people making a public profession of faith as to their conversion.
Evangelistic Outreach produces a daily radio program that can be heard in thousands of homes.
Evangelistic Outreach produces a weekly television program that can be seen by millions.
Evangelistic Outreach maintains a free Bible correspondence course that has enrolled over thousands in many, many countries around the world.
Evangelistic Outreach has been involved in numerous special home and foreign missionary projects which include: building churches and schools, humanitarian aid to the hungry and poverty stricken, supporting native and foreign missionaries, partially supporting orphan's homes, supporting other full time evangelists, supplying thousands of free Bibles all across America and around the world, encouraging pastors, churches and shut-ins by the thousands.
Evangelistic Outreach has taken a great number of short-term missionary groups to other countries to conduct crusades and minister in schools.
If you or your church would like to have Dr. Calvin Ray Evans or Brian Baer preach in revival, evangelistic meetings or even a special Evangelistic Outreach service, please contact us by e-mail or call us at toll free at 1-800-767-8713.
For specific numbers relating to the ministry outreach we have referenced above, please view our current history and report PDF document.