Evangelist Brian Baer
Baer, Assistant Director, became full time with Evangelistic
Outreach in June, 2001. He was born September 15, 1975 and now resides in McDermott, Ohio with his wife, Heather and children, Abby and Alex. Brian was saved at the age of five at the North
Moreland Christian Baptist Church.
While in high school, the Lord was dealing with him on dedicating his life to the Lord and the ministry. In the summer of 1994, under the ministry of Calvin Ray Evans, Brian accepted the call to preach and delivered his first sermon September 18, 1994. Brian has an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Engineering Drafting from Shawnee State University, and is an ordained minister with the Christian Baptist Association.
Another area that Brian serves in the ministry is singing. He is a graduate of the Stamps Baxter School of Music, where he learned theory and vocal technique from some of southern gospel's well known names, such as Brock and Ben Speer. He’s had opportunities to sing with professional groups and had the privilege of traveling for a year with Mike Blanton and Evidence. However, Brian's first calling is to preach and the Lord has blessed him to be able to preach in many different areas.
Brian has lived by Romans 8:28, and is living proof "that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose." He has been blessed with wonderful parents, Mark and Debbie Baer, who raised him under the guidance and leadership of the Word of God.
If you or your church would like to have Brian Baer preach and/or sing in revival, evangelistic meetings or even a special Evangelistic Outreach service, please call our office at toll free at 1-800-767-8713.
If you or your church would like to have Brian Baer preach in revival, evangelistic meetings or even a special Evangelistic Outreach service, please contact us by e-mail or call us at toll free at 1-800-767-8713.